CIDB E-Construct Services Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lembaga Pembangunan Industry Pembinaan Malaysia (CIDB Malaysia) invites the companies registered with The Companies Commission Malaysia (SSM) and Ministry of Finance Malaysia (MOF) under the Product Code as below to participate in the following tender:
Tender Title | Registered Product Code | Tender Opening Date | Tender Closing Date | Tender Secretariat |
SUPPLY AND MAINTAIN DISASTER RECOVERY CENTER RELOCATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES (DRaaS) FOR 2 YEARS | 210102 210103 210105 210106 (Compulsory) and 210107 or 210109 | 02 February 2023 (Thursday) | 13 February 2023 (Monday) At 12.00 pm Tenders sent after 12.00 pm on the closing date would not be considered | 1) Technical Queries: Tuan Syamsul Fikram Hassan General Queries: Puan Nor Dalila Mohd Mualip Tel: 03-40400399 |
Tender document will only be sold starting from 02 February 2023 (Thursday) to 13 February 2023 (Monday) during office hours (9.00am – 5.00pm) at the office of CIDB E-Construct Services Sdn Bhd, 11th Floor, Menara Sunway Putra, Lot 100, Jalan Putra, 50350 Kuala Lumpur at a cash price of RM300.00. Tenderers are required to bring the company chop, original Registration Certificate with the Companies Commission Malaysia and Ministry of Finance Malaysia when purchasing the tender documents.
Four (4) copies of the completed tender documents must be forwarded in a sealed envelope and dropped in the Tender Box at the address below:
Chief Executive Officer CIDB E-Construct Services Sdn Bhd, Tingkat 11, Menara Sunway Putra, Lot 100, Jalan Putra, 50350 Kuala Lumpur |